Official Trailer Matryoshka
Language Russian
Subtitles English/Spanish
GENRE Drama Science Science Fiction Women
Primera misión espacial con dos mujeres al mando. Las cosmonautas soviéticas Svetlana y Katyusha deberán afrontar momentos agónicos en el accidente de la nave orbital "Matryoshka". Soledad, agonía, ingravidez, los ordenadores no funcionan y tienen pocos minutos antes de que todo explote.
First space mission with two women in command. The Soviet cosmonauts Svetlana and Katyusha will face moments in the accident of the orbital ship "Matryoshka". Loneliness, agony, weightlessness, computers do not work and have few minutes before everything explodes.
Technical data
Recording format Cinema4K
Screen Format 1:2,35
Colour Color
Sound Stereo